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Sex & Love

15 Signs It Is Just Sex, Not a Relationship

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I hear so many of my friends talking about how they met a guy and had wonderful sex and then the guy only calls or comes by when he wants sex.
| by Shanelle |

OK honey what you need to know is that what you had with him was a physical attraction that magnified feelings of a deeper nature. Now let me make myself clear he is not a bad guy, for the most part, he was simply thinking “it’s just sex what’s the harm in that”. So here are some super signs to look for to see if it is just sex:

1. Every time you see each other it’s only to have sex. So many women and men are having this type of relationship thinking that it’s more and it’s not. It’s Just Sex.

2. Only comes over at night. They call you around 10 pm or later asking if you can come over or if they can come over around midnight. A lot of people think “oh they are just really busy” no they are calling for a booty call. It’s Just Sex.

3. Doesn’t want to go out anywhere. Yes staying at home is nice sometimes but there is a whole world outside of the bedroom. It’s Just Sex

4. Never talks about family and friends. Think, do you even know if their parents are alive, do they have siblings. If you don’t know it might just be sex.

5. Doesn’t want to hear about your family and friends. Are you bummed out about your family and want to talk about it and they don’t want to hear about it. It could be just sex

6. Phone conversations or text messages are only in a sexual nature. Some relationships are like this but others are Just Sex.

7. You only meet at places where sex can occur. Only going to their house/apartment or vice verse might just be sex.

8. No sleepovers. They come over at midnight have sex and then around 2 am they want to go home or send you home. Oh yeah it’s just sex.

9. You don’t eat together. Ever hear that old saying “a couple that eats together stays together”.

10. They take a shower right after sex and send you on your way. Normally you want to rest a bit and maybe talk. When they all of a sudden they want you to leave it’s probably just sex.

11. Never talk about life outside the bedroom. There are so many other things going on that you could talk about.

12. You only have a cell phone or beeper number. It could be Just Sex

13. When you talk it’s only to setup a sex time. Ever call then and setup a time to meet and you end up having sex. It’s Just Sex.

14. They avoid you in public. You see them and you know they saw you and they turn away. It’s Just Sex.

15. Only spends a couple of hours with you. Only spend enough time with you to have sex. Then It’s Just Sex.

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