Shy Magazine


Useless Things Women Pack for Holidays

It’s vacation season, and quite a lot of women may be packing up this very minute.
| by Genuis |

Or, rather, over-packing, for a comprehensive survey of women’s holiday habits commissioned by discovered that on the average a woman’s baggage will contain 26 items that will remain unused throughout the vacation.

As a rule a woman uses about 34 pieces of clothing over a week’s holiday, but when packing up she ends up with 60 believing they will come in handy.

Whatever she may have thought at home, when she arrives at the place she never bothers with almost half of her suitcase!

Their men being often quite content with a pair of shorts and a spare T-shirt, 77% of the polled women confessed they would be choosing hard what to wear.

The survey reveals that a female prefers to take along 19 top pieces like blouses, T-shirts, some kind of evening wear, maybe even a cardigan, of which 9 won’t get out at all.

The nether stuff – shorts, trousers, and leggings – will be around 16 in number, half of which will be just looked at and laid away.

Out of 9 accessories – pashminas, hats, sunglasses and so on – 5 might as well have stayed on their shelves at home. Among those that remain unused are also some underwear and bikini plus a pair of shoes.

The comment from pointed out that women take too much pain choosing their daily wear, so a seven day break throws them in a flurry. “Women like to prepare for every eventuality,” the spokesperson said, and they pack with consideration for the weather, day trips, and all imaginable kinds of daytime and evening activities.

Their too-heavy suitcases may be the reason behind the fact that 58% women experience the difficulty of staying within a weight limit when vacationing.

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