Shy Magazine

Shy Express

Tone Loc Charged with Possession of Assault Rifle

The rapper and actor known as Tone Loc, famous for his “Wild Thing” song, pleaded not guilty Thursday to felony possession of an assault weapon and domestic violence charges.
| by L.A. NOW //

Anthony Smith, 45, entered the plea in Burbank Superior Court, said Deputy Dist. Atty. John Allen Ramseyer of the district attorney’s Glendale Area Office.


Gay Marriage: Do We Follow The Bible Or Follow Our Hearts?

Photo: Getty Images //
Are anti-gay marriage Christians defending the Bible or using it to defend their own values?
| by Dr Dorree Lynn |

Irecently read Jenna Birch’s article A Christian’s Take: God Doesn’t Approve Of Gay Marriage and found it entertainingly disturbing.


Dolce&Gabbana: Scarlett Johansson is Like a Chameleon

Photos: Dolce&Gabbana //
Scarlett Johansson looks amazing in this new shot for Dolce&Gabbana’s new cosmetics line, The Makeup.
| by Just | 2011 |

The 26-year-old actress “is a wonderful woman who, thanks to the fact that she is an actress

Shy Express

Wife Chops Off Husband’s Penis, Throws in Garbage Disposal

A wife is accused of cutting off the penis of her estranged husband.!
| by HUFFPOST| 2011 |

She was arrested late last night after investigators responded to a 911 call and is now in custody at the Orange County Jail.


MD: The Red Carpet Movie Premiere of RIFT

Photo: //
On July 7th 2011, The Montgomery Royal Theater’s inviting marquee lights are patterning around the movie title “RIFT.”
| by Aliya Elaine Duran | 2011 |

The red carpet flutters with anticipation of movie supporters and curious viewers.