There is absolutely nothing wrong ladies with playing the field a little and dating two guys at once, as long as you are up front about it!
Category: Sex & Love
Now, if you though the most irritating thing a couple can do act all “Hollywood story perfect”, you’re in for a big surprise! Some couples can

Chances are you have your rose-colored glasses on when you are in a relationship so you may excuse, overlook and deny your boyfriend’s emotionally abusive behavior. That’s the worst mistake you could make ladies.
8 Ways to Make Your Ex Jealous
Then ladies, you’ve got to read this article! I’ve got all of the tips and tricks on how to make your ex jealous and maybe, if you want, how to win them out! So girls
18 Ways to Tell He’s over His Ex

Yes girlfriend, assuming he’s not a sociopath, there are definitely tell-tale signs to pick up on where you can determine that he’s definitely
Single? This woman says she knows why

Writer and bestselling author Tracy McMillan talks about her new book “Why You’re Not Married…Yet” and discusses the top reasons women are still single
10 Must-Know Tips on How to Sextext

Ididn’t either, until the Better Half wanted to try it. It took a while for me to figure it out, but once I learned how to sextext, it became addicting!

But while many women prefer the modest, bashful guy that listens more than he speaks, being overly shy

The FDA is likely to approve the medicine for ‘pre-exposure prophylaxis’ by June 15.
Whether you have been single for a long time or whether you have just come out of a long term relationship, there is no denying that some days