Shy Magazine

Sex & Love

Give Advice: Is It Okay To Hook Up With Your Friend’s Ex?

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I personally would not mind if a friend of mine starts an affair with my ex as long as we have not broken up because of her, of course.
| By Tango |

As a matter of fact, I have never experienced such situation.

Sex & Love

Do We Hold Men To Impossibly High Standards?

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Every woman, whether she wants to admit it or not, has envisioned The Perfect Guy in her head.
| By Jenna Birch |

Ihave. I still do.

So, when I read this part of Greta Christina’s article, “Wealthy, Handsome, Strong, Packing Endless Hard-Ons: The Impossible Ideals Men Are Expected to Meet,” I laughed.

Sex & Love

The Secret To Knowing If A Woman Had An Orgasm

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According to a group of sexologists from the Universite Catholique de Louvain in Belgium, you can determine with 81.25 percent accuracy whether or not a woman has had a vaginal orgasm at some point in her life.
| By Ami Angelowicz | 2011 |

How you, ask? By the way she walks.