They are out there and I’m sure each and every one of you has at least one, however, these a fore mentioned foes often distract us, making it hard for us to see who are real friends are. So, so can e sure your friendship is real if your friend is…
They are out there and I’m sure each and every one of you has at least one, however, these a fore mentioned foes often distract us, making it hard for us to see who are real friends are. So, so can e sure your friendship is real if your friend is…
Not real: Nice guys are too nice. No one can always be that nice unless they’re a saint. They are busy being nice instead of being real and women instinctually don’t trust that. Bad boys “keep it real”. Nice guys don’t want to upset the apple cart.
When I first met my husband Noah ten years ago, if you had met me, you would have thought to yourself, “Now here is a smart woman.
Getting dumped sucks… there’s no doubt about it. There aren’t many things more heart-wrenching than finding out that the person you love thinks he will be better off without you.
“Seems to me the basic conflict between men and women, sexually, is that men are like firemen.
You know if you have feelings for your ex or not, but it may be hard to tell if he has feelings for you. I am going to give you 8 signs your ex still has feelings for you.
You might be saving up for something else, you might be short at the time – there are tons of reasons you might be on a budget, but that doesn’t mean
How do you know you won’t feel differently in a year? Ten years? A lifetime? Deciding if you can commit to someone is a deeply personal determination, and everyone has different criteria.
Itried to cover just 7, but there are quite a few more reasons that I prefer older men to men my own age as well as those younger than I.
Well, they’re not really the “best,” but they ARE the best at being weird! They always say that you should be unique