Shy Magazine


Russia’s Little Rich Kids

Photographer Anna Skladmann’s new book, Little Adults, gives us a peak inside the secret, privileged world of some of Russia’s wealthiest children.
| By Julie Gerstein | 2011 |

Kids like Vadim, pictured here, in bowtie and peacoat, enjoying the view from his terrace in Moscow. Says Skladmann: “Vadim asked me how many photos I was planning to shoot, and I answered ‘maximum 10.’ As the flash lit up, he slowly counted to 10 in his head. After the 10 frames of my first roll were finished, he went back inside, put on his pajamas and asked for a cup of tea so he could sit in front of his television in peace. Naturally, I had wanted to shoot 10 rolls of film, not just 10 frames.” [The New Yorker]

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