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Top 10 Beach Body Exercises

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With beach season right around the corner, many of you are going to be considering what you should be doing in the gym in order to achieve a perfect, ripped body that you’ll be proud to sport on the beach.
| by AskMen |

You want to emphasize the main “attention getting” muscles that will make people sit up and take notice of all your hard work.

The following exercises will do just that. They’re going to zero in on the areas you want to define the most so that when you peel off your shirt and step onto the sand, you’re the fittest guy in sight.

No.10 Bench Press
This Will Give You The Perfect: Chest
How Long Until You See Results: About two weeks
Best Way To Show It Off: Shirtless tanning on the beach

What It Does: The bench press is the best way to bulk up your chest and increase the separation between your pectoral muscles. Aim to perform a rep range of 5-8 reps, doing 3-4 sets per workout while you bench a maximum amount of weight.

No.9 Barbell Curls
This Will Give You The Perfect: Bicep peak
How Long Until You See Results: One week, if you’re already lean
Best Way To Show It Off: Holding a drink

What It Does: Barbell curls are terrific for enhancing your bicep peak, making your arms appear larger and more defined. When performing this exercise, take your reps into the higher rep range of 8-12 per set and do 2-3 sets per workout while keeping your rest periods short to bring about muscle fullness.

No.8 Tricep Extensions
This Will Give You The Perfect: Horseshoe-shaped tricep
How Long Until You See Results: One week, if you’re already lean
Best Way To Show It Off: Lifting a paddle boat above your head

What It Does: Since the tricep forms the bulk of the arms, to get the “big guns” look, focus on the muscle. Tricep extensions will quickly bring out that horseshoe shape and make your arms look great in sleeveless shirts.

Aim for 8-12 reps with 2-3 sets, with rest periods of only 30 seconds.

No.7 Hanging Leg Raise
This Will Give You The Perfect: Set of ripped abs
How Long Until You See Results: One month, along with a very strict diet
Best Way To Show It Off: Running along the beach

What It Does: To hit the lower abs intensely, turn to hanging leg raises. Do this by holding onto an overhead bar and minimizing momentum in your execution. Aim to complete 10-12 reps per set, doing 2-3 sets per workout.

No.6 Decline Twisting Weighted Crunches
This Will Give You The Perfect: Set of obliques
How Long Until You See Results: One month, along with a very strict diet
Best Way To Show It Off: Standing shirtless in a pair of low-rise shorts

What It Does: To help target the side of the abs, the obliques, twisted weighted-decline sit-ups will do perfectly. Hold a heavy weighted plate across your chest when doing these to really make your muscles “pop” for best results. Move slowly throughout the exercise and aim for 12-15 reps per set and 2-3 sets per workout.

No.5 Barbell Shoulder Press
This Will Give You The Perfect: Set of broad shoulders
How Long Until You See Results: Three weeks
Best Way To Show It Off: Standing with your hands on your hips

What It Does: For a broader and more powerful appearance, turn to the barbell shoulder press. This exercise is great for increasing your muscle size and allows you to lift a maximum amount of weight. Hit the 6-8 rep range, doing 3-4 sets per workout and resting for about 90 seconds between sets.

No.4 Pull-Ups
This Will Give You The Perfect: V-taper
How Long Until You See Results: Three weeks
Best Way To Show It Off: Diving

What It Does: Creating that V-taper look is important for finishing off your physique, and pull-ups are fantastic for achieving it. As an added benefit, you’ll hit the biceps when doing these as well.

Aim to go until fatigue with this exercise, really pushing your muscles to their limit. Try to get in two sets total.

No.3 Lunges
This Will Give You The Perfect: Quad separation and rounded glutes
How Long Until You See Results: Two weeks
Best Way To Show It Off: Wearing a pair of tight-fitting shorts

What It Does: Since no workout would be complete without a lower-body exercise, lunges should be your top pick. This movement pattern is going to really bring out your quad sweep, making your lower body look very powerful. In addition to that, lunges also hit the glutes, giving you a backside that women won’t be able to take their eyes off of.

Crank up the calorie burn you get with this exercise by taking the rep range higher into the 15-20 range range, performing 2-3 sets per workout and resting 60 seconds in between.

No.2 Shrugs
This Will Give You The Perfect: Traps
How Long Until You See Results: Two weeks
Best Way To Show It Off: Standing with arms across the chest

What It Does: To further bring out a broad-looking appearance, add some shrugs into the mix. This exercise is easily done holding a barbell or a set of dumbbells down by your side and shrugging up the shoulders.

Perform 12-15 reps of each set, doing 2-4 sets per workout, with a 45-second rest between sets.

No.1 Weighted Supermans
This Will Give You The Perfect: Muscular middle back
How Long Until You See Results: Two weeks
Best Way To Show It Off: Tanning stomach-down, shirtless

What It Does: Supermans work perfectly when it comes to shaping your back muscles. Place a weighted plate across your upper back, holding it with both hands, and then lie stomach-down on the floor. Once you’re ready, lift up as far off the ground as you can, pause and hold for 5-10 seconds, and then lower.

Try for 12-15 reps, doing 2 sets per workout and resting only 30 seconds between sets. Supermans target the lower back to help develop core strength and reduce lower-back fat.

So use the above-listed exercises in the few months left until beach season hits to fully prepare your body. If you include these exercises three times a week along with a healthy diet plan, there’s no reason why you won’t soon see results.

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