Bad relationships can be extremely unhealthy for your entire body, your mood and can really cause your personality to change.
Category: Sex & Love
8 Things Women Love about a Guy’s Body
Don’t you ladies have certain body parts on a guy that just drive you crazy? For me, it’s all about the eyes! Here is our chance to talk about all of the things women love about a guy’s body! Let’s take a look!
Constant fighting in a relationship isn’t healthy, but sometimes it happens. If you’re finding yourself constantly fighting with your boyfriend or girlfriend, you’ve got to take a look
7 Tips to Attracting Mr. Right
In her post, Kyra tells you how to attract the right kind of men and more importantly keep them! Thanks Kyra for making us believe.
8 Ways to Make Clear You Just Want Sex
Guys always think women want a relationship, that we automatically cling on to them the minute we have sex. Truth is, that happens quite a lot.
Perhaps he looks great on paper, but for some reason he always seems to shy away around your friends. Believe it or not, there are ways to tell whether your current squeeze
Being with the same person for a long time is a wonderful thing, but as with everything in life, things can sometimes get monotonous.
8 Incredible Love Tips for a Taurus
Taureans are one of the few signs that like things that are simple, but they are devastated by broken trust.
Do you know? Take a look at my top 8 signs your girlfriend is controlling to find out if maybe, your girlfriend’s control issues might be part of the problem of your relationship! Girls can get possessive, guys, so take a look below!
Guys might come off as tough and not very emotional but they like a little romance in their lives too so I collected