Shy Magazine

Sex & Love

9 Signs Your Bad Relationship Is Affecting Your Life


When you are in a bad relationship, it’s hard to actually watch out for the signs your bad relationship is affecting your life and really messing with your personality.
| by Heather Jensen |

Bad relationships can be extremely unhealthy for your entire body, your mood and can really cause your personality to change.

Sex & Love

8 Things Women Love about a Guy’s Body


We’ve done a lot of posts about what a guy likes about a girl’s body, but what about things women love about a guy’s body?
| by Heather Jensen |

Don’t you ladies have certain body parts on a guy that just drive you crazy? For me, it’s all about the eyes! Here is our chance to talk about all of the things women love about a guy’s body! Let’s take a look!

Sex & Love

8 Ways to Stop Constant Fighting in a Relationship


There are a lot of ways to stop fighting in a relationship, but do you always want to follow them?
| by Heather Jensen |

Constant fighting in a relationship isn’t healthy, but sometimes it happens. If you’re finding yourself constantly fighting with your boyfriend or girlfriend, you’ve got to take a look

Sex & Love

8 Ways to Make Clear You Just Want Sex


Most people think it’s only men who are in it for the sex, but I’m here to tell you a lot of girls are just looking for some sexual loving, and there are lots of ways to make clear you just want sex.
| by Kiley Coleman |

Guys always think women want a relationship, that we automatically cling on to them the minute we have sex. Truth is, that happens quite a lot.

Sex & Love

12 Signs Your Crush Would Make a Good Boyfriend


Sure he’s handsome and you feel butterflies whenever you’re together, but are there signs your crush would make a good boyfriend?

| by Robyn Stark |

Perhaps he looks great on paper, but for some reason he always seems to shy away around your friends. Believe it or not, there are ways to tell whether your current squeeze

Sex & Love

7 Ways to Keep The Fire Burning in Your Relationship


If you have been with the same person for a long time, chances are that you may be looking for ways to keep the fire burning in your relationship in order to keep things going strong.

| by Bridget Galbreath |

Being with the same person for a long time is a wonderful thing, but as with everything in life, things can sometimes get monotonous.

Sex & Love

8 Signs Your Girlfriend Is Too Controlling


There are a lot of posts that revolve around a boy being too controlling, but what signs your girlfriend is controlling should you be watching out for?
| by Heather Jensen |

Do you know? Take a look at my top 8 signs your girlfriend is controlling to find out if maybe, your girlfriend’s control issues might be part of the problem of your relationship! Girls can get possessive, guys, so take a look below!

Sex & Love

7 Romantic Things Your Man Wants You to Do


In most cases, men are the ones who are being prompted to do all the romancing in relationships but did you know there are actually some romantic things to do for your special someone that he likes and would appreciate from you?!
Lisa Washington |

Guys might come off as tough and not very emotional but they like a little romance in their lives too so I collected