Shy Magazine

Sex & Love

10 Things Men Say When They Are Cheating


We don’t want it to be true, but sometimes men cheat and the first thing you shouldn’t do is blame yourself.
| by Diana Trotter|

Relationships can be difficult at times, but it is never a reason to cheat on the person you love. So what are the signs to look for of a cheating man, are there certain things that men say or do when they cheat?

Sex & Love

7 Easy Ways to Tell If a Guy Likes You

If you’ve spent one too many hours obsessing over his latest status update, here’s your crash course on ways to tell if a guy likes you.
| by Diana Denza |

From flirty texts to quick glances in the hallways, these 7 tips will help you figure out whether he has a thing for you or has placed you in the friend zone. Get ready for a cheat sheet to the game of love!

Sex & Love

7 Reasons Why You Are Attracting Mr. Wrong


You readers asked for a way to find out how you are attracting Mr. Wrong, so we’ve got all of the signs and reasons why Mr. Wrong might be attracted to you!
| by Heather Jensen //

Finding out the top ways why you are attracting Mr. Wrong can be hard to spot right off the bat, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t be aware of them! So, take a look and some of the reasons why Mr. Wrong might be finding you instead of Mr. Right!