Shy Magazine

Sex & Love

How watching porn can distort your perception of reality


Unlike cigarettes, drugs or alcohol – porn will not cause damage to any of your organs or decrease your life expectancy.
| by Sameer Jha

It is also not a serious crime like stealing or murder where anyone else is harmed. So, why is pornography bad? Some would argue that it is in fact good, and represents sexual liberation and it is only human to desire pleasure.

Sex & Love

7 (Harmless) Ways to Make Your Man Jealous

Photo: Getty Images //
Reviving your relationship takes a concentrated effort, but you can speed it along with these juicy tips to make him see green!
| by Mercy |

Time can take a toll on your marriage. After the first few honeymoon months, you will notice the‘magic’ and ‘romance’ fade away a little.

Sex & Love

7 Secrets of a Successful Relationship. How to Maintain a Happy Relationship

Photo: Getty Images //
The small things make a big difference. You can achieve a happy relationship by focusing on the positive things.
| by Linda J. //

When a relationship hits a rocky patch, many people focus on the negative side. Don’t do this, avoid that…

Sex & Love

Why Does It Matter How Many Partners She’s Had?

Photo: Getty Images //
Judging from what I read online and hear from my students, the question of the “number” is as compelling as ever.
| by Hugo Schwyzer |

This month, Marie Claire ran an article, “What’s Your Number?” in which five women (whose numbers ranged from zero to 100) told their stories.

Sex & Love

10 Signs that You Are Not Over Your Ex

Photo: Getty Images //
Your relationship ends and you always get all sorts of advice from your friends and family.
| by Karl Withakay |

Get back up in that saddle and go find someone new.” “Go out and spend money (you don’t have) on a new outfit to make yourself feel better.”

Sex & Love

Folks In Los Angeles Having The Most Sex, Folks In Philly, The Best

Photo: Getty Images //
A new sex survey conveniently sponsored by Trojan found that people in Los Angeles are getting busy more often than the rest of us.
| By Ami Angelowicz |

According to the survey, Angelinos do it about 135 times a year, while the rest of us poor cads only get laid about 120 times a year

Sex & Love

7 Great Intimacy Secrets That’ll Improve Your Sex Life


Intimacy secrets: it’s an odd phrase, but it’s one that’s taking the world by storm.
| by Kati Blake |

If you believe the hype, all of our sex lives would be better if we all just knew the same collection of intimacy-themed facts.

Sex & Love

9 Clear Signs a Guy Is Blowing You off


There are lots of signs a guy is blowing you off, but you might not realize them all.

| by Heather Jensen

If you’ve ever had your crush say that he was too busy to see you or if you’ve ever had had your guy friend tell you that he was going to call you back and didn’t