Shy Magazine


9 things you didn’t know about the life of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs leans against his wife, Laurene Powell Jobs (Lea Suzuki/San Francisco Chronicle/Corbis)
For all of his years in the spotlight at the helm of Apple, Steve Jobs in many ways remains an inscrutable figure — even in his death.

| by Taylor Hatmaker | 2011 |

Fiercely private, Jobs concealed most specifics about his personal life, from his curious family life to the details of his battle with pancreatic cancer — a disease that ultimately claimed him on Wednesday, at the age of 56.


Woman Gets Italian Accent after Stroke

48-year-old Debbie McCann, a Glasgow resident, has never been to Italy or China in her life… But it didn’t hinder her sporting a heavy Italian accent which she miraculously acquired after a stroke.
| by Genuis | 2011 |

When McCann came to after a stroke, first she thought she had completely lost the gift of speech. Luckily, it turned out to be wrong, but when she regained her ability it was with an outlandish accent that people took for Chinese.


Woman Left With ‘Uniboob’ After Botched Surgery (Video)

Don’t go to plastic surgeons recommended by your friends.
| by Amchick | 2011 |

A specially if your friends have one enormous boob across their chests. Unfortunately for Dinora Rodriquez, she had to learn that lesson the hard way. From ABC News:


Five Must Haves for Today’s Single Woman

Photo: Getty Images //
In conducting research for this article, I asked women: “What are five things you believe every single woman should have?”
| by Melissa Diaz |

The answers were thought provoking, to say the least. They ranged from “lip gloss” to “financial independence,” revealing that personal values remain unique to every woman.


Every Third Man Is Nervous over His Wife or Girlfriend Driving

Thirty-three per cent of men lose their peace of mind every time they let their partners get behind the steering-wheel of the car, a study of 3,000 men commissioned by reveals.
| by Genuis | 2011 |

While 20 per cent confess to getting the jitters all the time whenever their fair lady is driving.


16% Of Americans Still Think It’s OK For A Man To Hit His Wife

Photo: Getty Images //
Domestic abuse acceptable?! And other shocking facts from a new global report on female progress.
| by Jenna Birch |

We were fairly certain that domestic abuse would no longer be tolerated in any capacity, but it turns out there’s still a decent-sized chunk of modern America that deems it acceptable.


Gay Marriage: Do We Follow The Bible Or Follow Our Hearts?

Photo: Getty Images //
Are anti-gay marriage Christians defending the Bible or using it to defend their own values?
| by Dr Dorree Lynn |

Irecently read Jenna Birch’s article A Christian’s Take: God Doesn’t Approve Of Gay Marriage and found it entertainingly disturbing.