Shy Magazine


7 Festive Holiday Beauty Ideas to Try


Try out these easy yet eye-catching holiday beauty ideas to add some oomph to your everyday beauty routine or wear out to a special occasion.
| by Lisa Washington \

You can do so much with makeup and part of the fun is experimenting and trying out to new shades and techniques! Make your holiday season even brighter with these 7 festive and fabulous holiday beauty ideas.


7 tips to follow when wearing red lipstick


Every woman should know these tips for wearing red lipstick so that she is sure to wear it correctly.
| ALICIA FANNIN | 2014 |

Red lipstick can look simply stunning on you or be a total flop, depending on how you wear it. Every woman can absolutely wear red lipstick. It is all about knowing the tips to follow when wearing red lipstick.


9 Best Beauty Products to Use While You Sleep


If you often find yourself pressed for time to primp and prep yourself, why not try out some of these beauty products to use while you sleep?

| by Lisa Washington

These handy overnight beauty products help you multitask by working overtime while you get some rest. What can be better than taking


8 Marvelous Makeup Tips for African American Skin


Are you interested in some makeup tips for African American skin tones?

| by Lisa Washington

Ipersonally believe that there shouldn’t be any hard and fast rules for makeup, but there are some special considerations we should keep in mind when we get gussied up!


7 Natural Beauty Products to Try This Spring


I love my makeup as much as the next girl, but many popular brands are filled with harmful chemicals that can lead to various health issues, so I’ve compiled a list of the best natural beauty products to try instead.

| by Heather Williams | 2013

Iquit buying most commercial brands of beauty products when I found out that certain ingredients in those products had been linked to cancer, hormone issues, reproductive issues and even thyroid issues.


10 Best Foods for Hair, Skin And Nails


We all know that fresh fruits and veggies are great for our health, but there are also specific beauty foods for hair, skin and nails that we can eat!

| by Lisa Washington |

If you want the best possible hair, skin and nails, you want to nourish them from the inside and out.