Shy Magazine


Get Any Guy You Want – Become the Woman All Men Desire Fast & Easy!

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When a woman wants to become one of the few that can get any guy she wants, she has to start by considering what makes her attractive.
| by Tina L. Jones |

It is much easier to make yourself more eye-catching if you are able to have confidence in what is attractive about you.


How to Make a Bad Boy Into a Good Man

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If you find yourself in love with the life of the party and you wish you could make your bad boy into a family man, then you may need to start guiding him there.
| by Snakesmom |

He may very easily find himself in a rut that he himself dug, but can not seem to find his way out

Sex & Love

How to Know Someone Is Cheating

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Believe your partner is cheating? Here are some tips to see if your partner is straying.
| by Erika Nicole

1Your partner is being really “nice”. Flowers out of the blue, being showered with “I love you”, can all be a mask to hide guilt. Your partner can be feeling guilty with straying and trying to mend their conscience with romantic gestures.

Sex & Love

How to Sweet Talk Any Woman

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This article will give you tips on how to sweet talk any woman in a conversation.
| by Ryan Smoot | Jan. 10 |

1Have confidence when you are talking to a woman. Assure yourself that you are telling her all the right things that will win her over. Smile at her and just say anything positive that comes to your mind. Don’t hold it in. Confidence is a must!!!

2 || Never talk to her like you only have the intentions of scoring her number. You have to develop a deeper conversation repertoire than this. Just be casual with her and let the conversation flow. Never talk about sex right off the bat either unless she brings it up.

3 || Keep your eyes locked on hers. Look deep into her eyes as if you’re trying to read her soul. Try to limit your eyes from venturing off to somewhere else like her breast or her body. You don’t want to come off as desperate to her.

4 || Be respectful not only to the lady but also to everyone around you. This is a big one. Women like to be respected and you don’t want to give her the vibe that you may verbally abuse her or that you are disrespectful. Even disrespecting people around you may turn her off instantly so be careful.


January Is National Breakup Month

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The holidays are over and just when you thought it was safe to put down the eggnog, you might find yourself smack in the middle of one of those “We Have To Talk” talks.
| by Lisa Daily |

While November and December are generally unlikely months for breakups (who wants to be the jerk who ruined Christmas?), January is usually the biggest month of all.

Sex & Love

How to Determine If You Are Committing Too Soon

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We all know that it is really hard to tell if you are moving way too fast in a realtionship.
| by kimanesha | Dec. 09 |

Moving too fast can mean disaster, but moving too slow could cause problems as well. There are some situations in which progressing quickly is not a problem.

Sex & Love

Breakup Warning Signs

No one wants to be ambushed by an unexpected breakup. Sometimes it’s pretty obvious when a breakup is on the horizon, but other times, the signs your girlfriend gives that she’s through with the relationship can be subtle.
| by Sarah Stefanson |

If you can pick up on these hints, you might be able to do something about it before it’s too late and you find yourself dumped. Or, if you’re entertaining the idea of breaking up yourself, you can beat her to the punch once you notice these subtle breakup warning signs.